
凯瑟琳 M.艾森哈特

凯瑟琳 M.艾森哈特的简介

Kathleen M. Eisenhardt is Professor of Strategy and Organization at Stanford University and Research Director of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program. Professor Eisenhardt’s interests center on high-velocity industries and technology-based companies.

She has worked extensively with a variety of firms, especially those in the telecommunications and networking, software, computing, biotech, Internet, and semiconductor industries. She is a co-author of Competing on the Edge: Strategy as Structured Chaos (Harvard Business School Press, 1998), winner of the George R. Terry award for outstanding contribution to management thinking and named one of the top 10 business and investing books by Amazon.com in 1998. She has also published in a variety of academic and management journals including Administrative Science Quarterly, Harvard Business Review, Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Red Herring, Academy of Management Journal, and Organization Science. Her most recent research articles include Architectural Innovation and Modular Corporate Forms (with D. Charles Galunic) in AMJ in December 2001 and Integrating Knowledge in Groups:How Formal Interventions Enable Flexibility in OS in July 2002. Her most recent HBR article, Strategy as Simple Rules, was published in January 2001. She is the first author to be featured in HBR’s OnPoint collections.

Professor Eisenhardt’s research interests center on strategy and organization in uncertain, high-velocity markets, with particular emphasis on complexity and evolutionary theories. She is currently studying the effective acquisition of entrepreneurial firms, creation of synergies in multi-business corporations, and the concept of boundaries in high-velocity markets.

For her on ideas on fast strategic decision making, Professor Eisenhardt won the Pacific Telesis Foundation Award. She has also received the Whittemore Prize for her writing on organizing global firms in rapidly changing markets, the Stern Award for her work on strategic alliance formation in entrepreneurial firms, and the Administrative Science Quarterly Scholarly Contribution award for her 1995 article on fast product innovation. She has also received the Scholarly Contribution award from the OMT division of the Academy of Management. Professor Eisenhardt also consults at senior levels on strategy and organization for a variety of global corporations.

Eisenhardt has received several teaching honors, including being one of 8 professors named to the Stanford Professorial Honor Roll (by student selection) and for teaching one of the Ten Best Courses at Stanford (by student selection).

Professor Eisenhardt is a member of the Strategic Management Society and INFORMS, and has been elected a Fellow of the Academy of Management. She serves on the editorial boards of Administrative Science Quarterly and Strategic Management Journal. She is also a Fellow of the World Economic Forum (Davos).

Eisenhardt received B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (Brown University, cum laude and with honors). She holds an M.S. in computer science. Her Ph.D. is from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business.

凯瑟琳 M.艾森哈特的荣誉

艾森哈特教授得到过多项大奖,包括太平洋利用基金奖(Pacific Telesis Foundation Award)是奖励她有关快速战略决策的思想;

怀特莫奖金(Whittemore Prize)是奖励她关于高速变革市场环境下的跨国公司组织的论著;

斯特恩奖(Stern Award)是奖励她关于大型企业的战略联盟形式的研究。

凯瑟琳 M.艾森哈特的著作

Journal Articles:until January 2012.

Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. (1985), “Control: Organizational and Economic Approaches.” Management Science31(2), 134–149.
Bourgeois, L. Jay, III and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (1988), “Strategic Decision Processes in High Velocity Environments: Four Cases in the Microcomputer Industry.”Management Science 34(7), 816–835. *
Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. (1989), “Agency Theory: Assessment and Review.” Academy of Management Review 14(1), 57–74.
Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. (1989), “Building Theories fromCase Study Research.”
Academy of Management Review 14(4), 532–550.
Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. (1989), “Making Fast Strategic Decisions in High Velocity Environments.” Academy of Management Journal 32(3), 543–576.
Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. and Claudia B. Schoonhoven (1990), ”Organizational Growth: Linking Founding Team, Strategy, Environment and Growth Among U.S.
Semiconductor Ventures.” Administrative Science Quarterly 35(3), 504–529.
Brown, Shona L. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (1995), “Product Development: Past Research, Present Findings, and Future Directions.” Academy of Management Review 20(2), 343–378.
Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. and Behnam N. Tabrizi (1995), “Accelerating Adaptive Processes: Product Innovation in the Global Computer Industry.” Administrative Science Quarterly 40(1), 84–110.
Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. and Claudia B. Schoonhoven (1996), “Resource-based View of Strategic Alliance Formation: Strategic and Social Explanations in
Entrepreneurial Firms.” Organization Science 7(2), 136–150.
Brown, Shona L. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (1997), “The Art of Continuous Change: Tying Complexity Theory and Time-Paced Evolution to Relentlessly Shifting Organizations.” Administrative Science Quarterly 42(1), 1–37.
Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. and Jeffrey A. Martin (2000), “Dynamic Capabilities: What are They.” Strategic Management Journal 21(10–11), 1105–1121.
Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. and Donald N. Sull (2001), “Strategy as Simple Rules.” Harvard Business Review 79(1), 107–116.
Galunic, D. Charles and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (2001), “Architectural Innovation and Modular Corporate Form.” Academy of Management Journal 44(6), 1229–1249.
Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. and Melissa E. Graebner (2007), “Theory Building from Cases: Opportunities and Challenges.” Academy of Management Journal 50(1), 25–32.
Rosenberger, Jeff D., Riitta Katila and Kathleen M.Eisenhardt (2008),“Swimming with Sharks: Technology Ventures and Corporate Relationships.” Administrative Science Quarterly 53(2), 295–332.
Ozcan, C. Pinar and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (2009), “Origin of Alliance Portfolios: Entrepreneurs, Network Strategies, and Firm Performance.” Academy of Management Journal 52(2), 246–279.
Santos, Filipe M. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (2009), “Constructing Markets and Shaping Boundaries: Entrepreneurial Power in Nascent Fields.” Academy of Management Journal 52(4), 643–671.
Davis, Jason P., Kathleen M. Eisenhardt and Christopher B. Bingham (2009), “Optimal Structure, Market Dynamism, and the Strategy of Simple Rules.” Administrative Science Quarterly 54(3), 413–452.
Martin, Jeffrey A. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (2010), “Rewiring: Creating Cross-Business Unit Collaborations in Multi-Business Organizations.” Academy of Management Journal 53(2), 265–301.
Bingham, Christopher B. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (2011), “Rational Heuristics: The ‘Simple Rules’ that Strategists Learn from Process Experiences.” Strategic Management Journal32(13), 1437–1464.
Davis, Jason P. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (2011), “Rotating Leadership and Collaborative Innovation: Recombination Processes in Symbiotic Relationships.” Administrative Science Quarterly 56(2), 159–201.
Hallen, Benjamin L. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (2012), “Catalyzing Strategies and Efficient Tie Formation: How Entrepreneurial Firms Obtain Investment Ties.” Academy of Management Journal 55(1), forthcoming.

Book Chapters

Schoonhoven, Claudia B. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (1993), “Entrepreneurial
Environments: Incubator Region Effects on the Birthof New Technology Based Firms.” In Luis R. Gomez-Mejia and Michael W.Lawless, eds., High Technology Venturing, Vol. VIII. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 149–175.
Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. and Claudia B. Schoonhoven (1994), “Triggering Strategic Alliances in Entrepreneurial Firms: The Case of Technology-Sharing
Alliances.” In William D. Bygrave, ed., Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Wellesley, MA: Babson College, 416–429
Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. and Filipe M. Santos (2001), “Knowledge-based View of the Firm: A New Theory of Strategy?” In Andrew Pettigrew, Howard Thomas and
Richard Whittington, eds., Handbook of Strategy and Management. London: Sage, 139–164.
Martin, Jeffrey A. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (2004), “Coping with Decline in Dynamic Markets: Corporate Entrepreneurship and the Recombinative Organizational Form.” In Joel A.C. Baum and Anita M. McGahan, eds., Advances in Strategic Management – Business Strategy over the Industry Lifecycle, Vol. 21. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 356–382.

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